Sunday, April 01, 2007

you can come, but on....

I recently read the quote "you can come, but on British terms" by former British foreign minister, Jack Straw, with regards to the migrants.

It seems Australia has adopted (or adopting) similar attitude towards migration, with recent rhetoric about "Australian values".

Ok, I have I have no problems with Australia (or any country) telling prospective immigrants on what terms they will be allowed to migrate. But, what I don't agree with is, asking the migration to conform to Australian way of life (I thought "Australian way of life" is accepting and appreciating different cultures) and using it as a selection criteria .Claiming Australia is a multi-cultural country will become hypocritical, if you do that.

Lately, Australian politicians (led by Prime Minister John Howard) seems to have a problem distinguishing the difference between "assimilation" and "conformation".

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