Monday, October 30, 2006

(at last) consumers get what they want...

It's another nail in the coffin for the album and may spell the end of the music "megastore". Victorians are now able to walk into a store, cherry-pick individual songs from albums using an ATM-like "digital kiosk" and make their own compilation CD. Video clips are also available. Read the full article...

I think this is a great idea. The reason I hardly bought any CDs is, to get couple of tracks I really want I had to pay for the whole album and buy a whole load of tracks I never wanted in the first place. It' quite amazing in a consumer oriented economy -where consumer was the king-, record companies got away with forcing consumers to buy something they really wanted.

With the digital music downlaods, the consumer finally gained control of what he/she is buying and paying for. This new service will address the consumer segment who can't/don't want buy music online.

It's quite ironic considering illegal music downlading is what twisted record companies' arms to allow music downloads and paved way to legal music downloads and the whole shift in how we consume media.

In my opinion, next big step is widespread adaptation of movie downloads. In few years time CDs and DVDs will be obsolete.

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