Wednesday, September 27, 2006

is Google evil?

I ask this question after I came across following incidents recently

  • Spotters poring over satellite images housed on the popular Google Earth service have spied what appears to be two topless sunbathers in the Dutch city of The Hague soaking up the rays. Full article...
  • AOL published the details of 23 million searches made by 650,000 of its customers over three months this year. The searches were carried out by Google, from which AOL buys in its search functions. Full article

The second incident is not entirely Google's fault. But, collectively it made me think how much of a person's privacy is being infringed/invaded by Google. It makes me wonder if Google is not paying enough attention to the privacy issues or are they ignoring them in their pursuit to dominate the industry?

It's unfair to single out Google. All search engines are collecting information. But Google's sheer popularity and their raft of services makes them more vulnerable and of course their famous corporate motto "Don't be evil" attracts more scrutiny.

Earth from Above

A wonderful free open-air exhibition called Earth from Above is on at River Terrace, Federation Square from 14th September. Some amazing aerial photographs of Yann Arthus-Bertrand are displayed with very interesting facts about Sustainability.

Do check it out if you have time during the lunch hour.

For those who are not in Melbourne (I pitty the poor souls :o)) have a look at the website (Flash intensive site) (HTML version)